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Friday, February 18, 2011

End of Week

So, some things came up this week and I was not able to get as far along as I would have liked. I didn’t add any new articles but I have gone through my articles from the beginning to briefly summarize what the article was about, outline some of the information that seemed most relevant to me, and try to get info on how legitimate the authors of the articles are. (I ended up writing this info in the comment boxes underneath each article) Although my blog doesn’t look as nice and full as it usually does, I feel that I accomplished a lot in the organization of my ideas this week.


  1. How did you add a google search feature to your blog? What sort of process do you go through to find out if the information, you find in your research, is credible? How are you approaching keeping track of all the information you find?

  2. Sarah,
    seems like you made some good choices. the strategy to comment on the articles seems promising. and as you keep on, keep thinking of how to make the blog helpful to yourself.

  3. I believe you are focusing on younger children, but I saw this article on NPR today and thought you might be interested:
